Application devices

Application devices

The Vivostat® System offers a variety of different disposable application devic­es as well as a number of reusable handles.
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Vivostat® Co-Delivery

Vivostat® Co-Delivery

The Vivostat® Co-Delivery system makes it possible to simultaneously co-apply BMAC, stem cells, chondrocytes or medications.
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Vivostat® PRF

Vivostat® PRF

Vivostat® PRF is an autologous platelet enriched fibrin matrix to support haemostasis, tissue sealing and tissue regeneration.
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Obsidian® RFT

Obsidian® RFT

Obsidian® RFT is an autologous, platelet rich bioactive matrix for regenerative treatment of fistulas providing a sphincter-sparing minimally invasive procedure.
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ArthroZheal® bioactive and biocompatible properties successfully provides supportive effects for sealing, healing and regeneration of ligaments, tendons and cartilage.
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Applicator Unit

Applicatator Unit

The Applicator Unit APL 404/404 series controls the delivery of the Vivostat® products to the site of treatment.
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Obsidian® ASG

Obsidian® ASG

Obsidian® ASG – Anastomoses SafeGuard, a breakthrough in regenerative surgery serves as an anastomotic reinforcement.
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Vivostat® Fibrin

Vivostat® Fibrin

Vivostat® Fibrin is an autologous concentrated fibrin sealant to support haemostasis and tissue sealing.
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Processor Unit

Processor Unit

The Processor Unit PRO 800 series is used to process the patient’s blood and prepare the Vivostat® product
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The Vivostat System

unique & autologous

The Vivostat® System

The uniqueness of the Vivostat® System is a novel patented biotechnological process that enables reliable and reproducible preparation of autologous fibrin sealant and autologous platelet rich fibrin matrices without using cryoprecipitation and without the need for a separate thrombin component.

The solutions prepared with the Vivostat® System is intended to be used on surgical sites requiring products for haemostasis, tissue sealing and/or tissue regeneration.

The system is designed to provide the best possible solution for many different settings independent of the surgical area in which it is used.

Three easy steps – then your solutions is ready

At the time of surgery or up to 24 hours before1, citrate (supplied with the kit) is added to the Preparation Unit. 120 ml of the patient’s own blood is then drawn into the same unit.

The Preparation Unit is placed in the Processor Unit. At the touch of a button the process starts; after approx. 25 minutes, an autologous fibrin sealant or autologous platelet rich fibrin matrix is ready for use. No thrombin or bovine components are added to the blood at any time.

The autologous sealant/matrix solution is easily loaded into the Applicator Unit and applied to the surgical site using one of the unique application devices.

What is Vivostat® system

The Processor Unit is used to process the patient’s blood and prepare the final Vivostat® sealant or matrix solution. Read more about the Processor Unit.
The Applicator Unit controls the delivery of the Vivostat® sealant or matrix solution to the site of treatment. Read more about the Applicator Unit.

The single-use sets contains all components needed for preparation and application of the Vivostat® sealant and matrices solutions. To read more about the different solutions, please visit the Products section in the menu.

To apply the products, there is a wide range of application devices available including the possibility to co-deliver other substances with the sealant/matrix.

Surgeons in OR using Vivostat® System for a LIVE Workshop

Watch vivostat® in action

Visit our video collection and see the Vivostat® System in action. If you are interested in specific surgical applications, please have a look at the showcase section.

Processor unit

The Processor Unit is a non-sterile, reusable, fully automated device that controls the biochemical process.

In approx. 25 min a concentrated Vivostat® sealant or matrix solution is prepared from the patient’s whole blood.

The Processor Unit can be located in any room or corridor in the operating department. It is most often placed centrally between the operating theatres. This way one Processor Unit can supply a number of operating rooms at the same time.

The Processor Unit is operated by a single button and a display keeps the nurse informed of the remaining process time and status at all times. No specific installation is required and the large wheelbase makes moving it easy.

Applicator unit

The Applicator Unit is a non-sterile, reusable, fully automated device that controls the delivery of the Vivostat® sealant/matrix solutions.

The large display and integrated microprocessor automatically primes the application device and informs the surgeon of the remaining volume of product solution throughout the entire process.

Different spray modes can be selected depending on the actual procedure or area to be covered. Like the Processor Unit it has a large wheelbase and can easily be moved if required.

disposable sets

The disposable set comprises of two parts: a Preparation Kit used to prepare the sealant/matrix solution before surgery, and an Application Kit used to activate and apply the solution.

Preparation Kit
The Preparation Kit contains the specially designed Preparation Unit – a sterile disposable device in which the patient’s blood is collected, the biochemical process carried out, and the sealant or matrix solution harvested.

Vivostat markets five different Preparation Kits; Vivostat® Fibrin, Vivostat® PRF, Obsidian® ASG, Obsidian® RFT and ArthroZheal®. To learn more about the different solution, please click the names or use the Products section in the menu.

Application Kit
The Application Kits contains the application device e.g. Vivostat® Spraypen, endoscopic catheter etc. and all other items required to prepare the system for the delivery of the sealant/matrix solution.

The application device is a sterile, disposable, hand-held device which delivers the solution to the tissue.

The revolutionary and patented design offers the surgeon unparalleled freedom in controlling the application unlike any other product on the market today and at the same time it offers the possibility to co-apply a substance alongside the sealant/matrix. Read more about unique application devices and co-delivery options that comes with the Vivostat® System.

order codes processor units and applicator units

Application devices

The Vivostat® System offers a variety of different disposable application devic­es as well as a number of reusable handles.

Vivostat® Co-Delivery

The revolutionary system makes it possible to co-apply e.g. stem cells or antibiotics with the Vivostat® product.