Vivostat® Fibrin

autologous fibrin sealeant

Vivostat® Fibrin

For many years specialists have prepared autologous fibrin sealant based on thrombin and fibrinogen. The process is complicated, labour intensive and time consuming. With the Vivostat® System this process becomes fast and uncomplicated.

The uniqueness of the Vivostat® System is a novel patented biotechnological process that enables reliable and reproducible preparation of autologous fibrin sealant and related products without using cryoprecipitation and without the need for a separate thrombin component. Furthermore, Vivostat® Fibrin does not contain any bovine components and is completely aprotinin-free.

It is designed to provide the best possible solution for many different settings independent of whether it is used in the surgical area or centrally in e.g. the transfusion centre or the blood bank. 

Products characteristics

As the Vivostat® Fibrin is autologous it shows excellent biocompatibility and efficiently eliminates the riscs of viral infection from products based on single donor blood, pooled blood or bovine components. This is the only way to guarantee the patient against viral diseases not yet identified.

In order to evaluate the clinically important physical properties of the fibrin sealant, a series of in-vitro rheological and tensile tests and ex-vivo tissue adhesion models were developed.

To read about the excellent physical properties of Vivostat® Fibrin, please select the area of interest in the menu to the left.

Unique technology ensures rapid polymerisation An efficient sealant needs to polymerise quickly to build up its internal strength to provide a rapidly effective barrier. Unlike other sealants, the polymerisation of Vivostat® Fibrin is activated by a simple pH change, and does not require an enzymic reaction. Polymerisation rates are therefore much faster than conventional fibrinogen/thrombin systems. Activation of the coagulation cascade initiates crosslinking of the fibrin polymer and Vivostat® Fibrin obtains 80% of its full strength within only 1 minute. The graph shows the polymerisation rate for Vivostat® Fibrin compared with two conventional sealants.

Vivostat® moves with the tissue

Surgical sealants must be very flexible to move with the tissue.

This is especially important with e.g. lungs as the sealant might be applied when the lung is deflated. Unfortunately most compounds have an inverse relationship between strength and elasticity.

Comparative tests have shown Vivostat® Fibrin to be extremely flexible, almost four times as flexible as competing products, without compromising strength.

A high level of elasticity is particularly important for surgical procedures involving tissue that undergoes continual expansion or contraction such as the heart and lungs.

The graph below shows the elongation at break (mm) for Vivostat® compared with two conventional fibrin sealants after 20 seconds.

Strong adhesion to tissue is clinically relevant

Many products focus on the tensile strength of the sealant, but neglect the most important parameter of adhesion to tissue.

Providing the internal strength of the sealant and the tissue itself are sufficiently high, it is the sealant:tissue adhesive strength that is the determining factor for tissue:tissue joint failure.

A new test method was developed to measure adhesion properties. The test clearly demonstrated the superior performance of Vivostat® Fibrin compared to conventional products.

The graph shows adhesion strength at first break after 20 seconds.

Vivostat® – always the same high quality

Unlike other patient-derived fibrin sealants, the fibrin concentration in the Vivostat® end-product is independent on the source or the plasma fibrinogen level.

The Vivostat® Processor Unit is designed with specially developed sensors and software that carefully detect the individual patient fibrinogen level and automatically adjust the amount of diluting buffer to extract a fibrin sealant with a constant concentration of fibrinogen. In contrast the variation in fibrinogen concentration of conventional patient-derived sealants reflects the normal variation in the plasma fibrinogen level.

The constant fibrinogen concentration in Vivostat® Fibrin guarantees the same excellent physical properties from patient to patient.

What is Vivostat® fibrin

Vivostat® Fibrin is derived from the patient’s own blood and as such it demonstrates excellent biocompatibility. Unlike conventional products, which are most often based on single donor blood, pooled blood or bovine components (e.g. aprotinin), Vivostat® Fibrin does not contain any exogenous thrombin or bovine components. The autologous nature of Vivostat® efficiently eliminates the risks of bovine or human borne contaminants. This is the only way to protect the patient against viral diseases not yet identified.

The wide selection of application devices provide the surgeon with unparalleled freedom in the use of fibrin sealant throughout surgery. The application devices can be used intermittently during the entire surgical procedure without experiencing the blockage that is common in conventional systems. Furthermore, Vivostat® Fibrin can be applied at very close range allowing for pinpoint application, and rapid polymerisation ensures that the fibrin remains where it is applied. Read more about our application devices.

Clinical studies and comparative tests have demonstrated that Vivostat® Fibrin is exceptional to conventional fibrin sealants on important parameters such as time to haemostasis, elasticity, adhesion to tissue and impact on tissue. 

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versatile surgical applications

Vivostat® Fibrin is the perfect choice for fibrin sealant for a wide range of applications. With its fast polymerization, great elasticity and adhesion, it outperforms conventional products. Click on the video to see Vivostat® Fibrin adhesive strength.

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Application devices

The Vivostat® System offers a variety of different disposable application devic­es as well as a number of reusable handles.

Vivostat® Co-Delivery

The revolutionary system makes it possible to co-apply e.g. stem cells or antibiotics with the Vivostat® product.

  1. Kjaergard, H. K., Velada, J. L., Pedersen, J. H., Fleron, H., & Hollingsbee, D. (2000), Comparative kinetics of polymerisation of three fibrin sealant and influence on thiming of tissue adhesion, Thrombosis Research , 98(2), 221–228,