Vivostat® distributor in Maldives. Contact Medtech Maldives for info on and distribution of Vivostat® Fibrin, Vivostat® PRF, ArthroZheal®, Obsidian® ASG and Obsidian® RFT.
Obsidian® ASG
Obsidian® RFT
Vivostat® Fibrin
Vivostat® PRF
Asia Pacific
Vivostat® distributor in Maldives. Contact Medtech Maldives for info on and distribution of Vivostat® Fibrin, Vivostat® PRF, ArthroZheal®, Obsidian® ASG and Obsidian® RFT.
Ma. Fas Eri, 3rd Floor
Ameenee Magu
Male’ 20205
Republic of Maldives
The Vivostat® System is available throughout most of Europe, and have representation in Africa, South America and Asia through carefully selected distributors.